Since it's been 2 months, I thought I'd give a little updating of Brylee. My little lady turned 16 months last week.
-She is one hot mess. Her uncle said the other day that she is a very strong-willed child. Oh boy! She definately knows what she wants and she will make it known.
-She is still loving books. I go around the house to pick up after her and all I pick up are books. She's going to be my little nerd! Her favorite book here recently is her Yankees 101 book. Every time I turn around she's handing it to me. I think she just wants to hear mommy sing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game."
-She plays so well by herself most days.
-She loves italian food. Spaghetti, lasagna, ravioli, you name it and she's going to tear it up!
-We have been having a hard time with vegetables but mommy found a way around that. Vegetable soup! I made it a couple weeks ago and she loved it. I think it's the tomato juice. So from now on, when I want her to eat vegetables, I'll just pour some tomato juice on it!
-She is your typical female because she LOVES shoes. Loves wearing them and LOVES saying the word. It's the cutest thing. She'll find one around the house, come find me and hold it up saying "Shoe! Shoe!" She also likes to try to wear my house shoes and today I found her in Daddy's closet trying to put on his shoes.
-Words-Momma, Dadda, Hi, Hello, bye, Nana (my mom), Dadoo (Ben's dad), baby, thank you,and bath, whoa, shoe(s), no, eyes, eat, more.
-She loves to dance and she's really quite good at it too! You know she's really "getting jiggy with it" when she starts shaking her head back and forth. It's the funniest thing.
-Along with a bath, she now enjoys taking showers. Ben or I will sometimes put her in with us. And she doesn't mind at all having the water spray in her face. She's going to love the water just like Daddy. She'll be skiing before we know it! lol
-She has recently started liking Veggie Tales after we went to go see them live and we bought her the "Sweet Pea Beauty" DVD. Though, her favorite it still "Yo Gabba Gabba"
-She loves closing doors. I can hardly have time to get anything out of the fridge or pantry before she's closing the door on me!
-I haven't counted her teeth lately mostly because it's just too hard and I don't want to get bit. So let's just say she's got lots! She has one molar all the way through and several others trying to make their appearance. Bring on the snotty nose and fussiness!
-Her favorite cabinet is the tupperware cabinet. The majority of my day is cleaning up tupperware off my kitchen floor!
-She likes playing the game: "Where's your ::body part::"? She can find her hair, head, ears, eyes, nose, tongue, belly, belly button, hands, fingers, elbow, knee, feet, and toes. The cutest is when she looks down for her belly button.
-She now holds Mommy and Daddy's hand when we pray and knows not to let go until the prayer is over. It is so sweet and a lot of times I find myself opening my eyes to take a peak at her doing it and I can't help but tear up!
-She is starting to understand commands and it's so fun to see this. We will be reading a book and I'll tell her to go put it up and get another one and she does exactly that. I will say "Let's go change your diaper" and she goes straight to the spot where we change her and lays down. It's so cute! And her favorite, "Let's go take a bath!" and she practically sprints to the bathroom!!
-She is becoming so independent. She no longer needs help getting out the door that leads out to the garage. Where she used to hold out her hand for Mommy's, she has figured out to hold on to the door frame and step down. Then she heads straight to the other side of Mommy's car and waits at the door for me to get her in. ::sniff:: Bittersweet! It's nice that I no longer have to make several trips carrying her out first and then going back and getting everything. But it makes me sad that she no longer needs Mommy's help for some things. She's getting so big too fast!
Sometimes it's so time consuming to add pictures to my blog so for any pictures, visit our
shutterfly site! Halloween pictures to come soon :-)