Sunday, December 19, 2010

Adventures in Couponing

I haven't been on a whole lot of coupon adventures lately. I've been doing well though because I'm still going to the store less because I don't have the coupons for things. December is half way over and I've only spent a little over 200 on groceries. Here is my latest coupon adventure. I was pretty excited about it because laundry detergent can get so expensive. Those were my "big purchases" on this trip. The other 2 items came out dirt cheap!

Total on these items were $7.86 plus tax

Wisk detergent with Kroger card was on sale for $4.99
-$1.00 loadable coupon
-$1.00 printable coupon

Gain detergent w/KC was also $4.99
-$1.00 clippable

Pillsbury Crescents w/KC were 2/$3. I purchased 4.
-$.50 loadable when you purchase 2
-$.50 printable when you purchase 2 which doubles
-$.40 clippable when you purchase 2 which doubles
-$.50 another printable when you purchase 2 which doubles
-$.40 another clippable when you purchase 2 which doubles
-$.75 clippable when you purchase 3 (Didn't think this would work but I thought I'd try, and it did thanks to a great cashier!)
-$.75 catalina when you purchase 3 (catalinas are the little machines near the product where you can pull out a coupon. Again, didn't know if this would work but tried it and it did!)

Duracell 4 pk batteries w/KC 1.98
-$1.50 clippable

Happy couponing everyone!

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