For those who don't know, Brylee is the "Queen of Ear Infections." Yes, that's right! Not to mention the queen of many other things! ;-) She had one back in July, another one in October, and a double one in December. Not to mention the others before July. This is just since she's turned one. Her doctor always told us that as long as the antibiotics were working, she should never have to get tubes. In December, we had to see a different doctor. This was when we found out she had the double ear infection. He told us that as long we we could make it through January and February without getting one, we shouldn't have to look into them. Well so much for that because she got one this month! We finally went yesterday to see an ENT.
Of all days, Brylee, decided to not take a nap whatsoever! I wanted her to be well rested because I knew they'd be checking her hearing and all that other fun stuff and I didn't want her to be so completely miserable. I must brag on my little "queen" because she did awesome. I must also thank my mother-in-law for going with us too. That helped out tremendously. We had to wait around FOREVER because the doctor was in surgery so they were way behind on appointments. I only had to spank her one time and that was because she kept wanting to color on the play table out in the waiting room! When it came time to check her hearing, she just sat so still and didn't freak out. (By the way, her hearing was perfectly normal. Thank you Lord!) And by the time we got to see the doctor, she was still just as good. She LOVED the doctor and so did I! She played around in the room as he talked to me and she would walk right up to him and rest her hand on his knee and he'd pick her up. It was the cutest thing because she never does that with doctors! He was great with her!
Side note: For any of you whoever have to look into an ENT for your child, I highly recommend Dr. Jeff Cunningham. He is the same guy that did my mother-in-law's thyroid cancer surgery.
I was going into this appointment thinking to myself, "Okay let's just get this appt set up to get tubes so the chances of my baby suffering with another ear infection will decrease." I have to be honest though and say that I was quite relieved when he advised us to wait. Wait and see how she does with spring and summer coming up. He was also on the same page as Brylee's doctor with the whole antibiotics clearing things up and that being a good thing. She just got off antibiotics Saturday and when he checked her ears yesterday they were perfect. He also said that another good thing is she's not getting them every month.
So we are going to put this off for now. I am praying that she will not get another one anytime soon. If she does, he said to bring her back in. And if not, he would see us in May for a check up.
::keeping fingers crossed from here till May!::
Here are 2 pictures my precious girl yesterday. Playing in the waiting room and waiting like a big girl for the doctor to come in.