First I must say, my girl looks like white trash but the cutest white trash I've ever seen in that picture. I had to get her hair out of her eyes yesterday at breakfast so I ran and got what I could. Her parts not even straight, the holders don't match, and her hair well, she obviously just woke up! Brylee turned 14 months yesterday. Yes, I actually remembered this month. I have been good about remembering her "month birthdays" but last month was the first time that I let it pass me by. I actually didn't even realize it either until like the 9th or 10th! August was just a bad month for me I guess! I was going through my August pictures yesterday and saw that I had only taken 15!! Shame on me! I guess maybe August is just not a real exciting month or something! That will be my excuse!
So wow, 14 months. Can someone please remind me where the time is going again? I don't do this often so I have a lot of catching up to do. It only took Brylee about 14 months to start walking. Kind of. She is still crawling about 75% of the time. She actually took her first steps almost 2 weeks ago at the hospital while we were waiting on her baby cousin, Gavin, to arrive. She picked a perfect day. I guess she realized she wasn't going to be the baby anymore so she had no choice but to learn. I wish I could get the video on here but for some reason my computer is not reading my phone when I plug it in. This past weekend we went to the lake and that's when she really started picking up on the walking. I guess she saw all her cousins doing it so she had to also! It was funny because all weekend she would crawl to this little ledge that leads to the table where you eat. It's a teeny tiny ledge but she would get to it, then stand up, and just stare at it. She was determined all weekend that she was going to walk off of that thing. She is such a little dare devil. She never did it but she did try to step UP on it and fell. Speaking of falling, this weekend I believe she fell and hit the back of her head on the floor...oh 76 times?! I'm just waiting any day now for the bruises and scratches all over her face so people can stare and wonder if I beat my child.
Brylee is still just a little jibber jabber. She loves to pretend that she's talking on the phone. Again, another video I wish I could put on here though some of you saw it on my Facebook. It is hilarious. And she has now figured out the word "hello". She has this little purple play phone that she will pick up and start talking away on. Every time she does it too, she sounds as though she's getting really firm and angry with whomever she's talking to. I have to tell her to be sweet to "the person" and then she'll just hang up on them without saying "bye". It's pretty entertaining! It doesn't just have to be the purple phone that she pretends with. She's used a puzzle piece, Mommy's fingernail file, remote control, her hand, her mini baby doll, you name it and she can make it into a phone!
She is now at the point where she will sometimes repeat things you say. (Look out Mommy and Daddy! No more cursing! JK!) There is this book I keep where I change her diaper so she can look at it and "read" it. It's some Bambi book that my mom got her in the dollar spot at Target because she didn't want to put it down! Anyways, I'll look at her and say "Bambi" and she'll stare at my lips and say "Babi". The other day I was trying to get her to say "I love you" She got the "I" part just fine but when it came time for "love" she just stared at my lips and it's so funny to watch her figure out how to get her mouth, teeth, lips, just right to say a word. She never did say it! The other day my brother said something to her about being hot and she said "hot". Too bad I missed that one! Her consistent words now are Momma, Dadda, Hi, Hello, bye, Nana (my mom), Dadoo (Ben's dad), baby, thank you,and bath.
She has now figured out how to take her diaper off. A while back she discovered the little velcro tabby thing that closes the diaper. I've always been around to tell her no. Most of the time it's just when I'm changing her diaper and she starts messing with it. Well yesterday, she awoke from her afternoon nap. I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and I could hear her talking. A lot of times, if I'm busy doing something and she's not crying I just leave her up there until I can get to her. Well that was a mistake this time. By the time I got up there she was still just talking and hanging out. Hanging out NAKED! I let her sleep in just a diaper. Something we won't ever be able to do again. Her diaper was just lying there in her crib and her sheets were completely drenched!! All the while, Brylee's just smiling at me! I couldn't help but laugh! Now had it been poop, that's a different story! I don't even want to think about what I would have walked in to had she pooped. ::gagging::
Other things:
She has 7 teeth now. 4 that are completely through.
Her favorite foods recently: ANY fruit, deli turkey, nutrigrain bars, pickles, cheese, yogurt, fluffernutters, anything with tomato sauce ie:pizza, spaghetti, bagels with cream cheese, fruit snacks (Daddy has to hide from her when he wants a bag!). We are struggling with vegetables.
She still loves taking baths, taking medicine, and getting her teeth brushed.
She shakes her head "no" though I'm not sure she completely understands what that means yet because sometimes she'll do it for no apparent reason.
She loves shoes. She will find hers and try to put them on!
She has figured out how to get Mommy soaking wet when taking a bath.
She loves stepping up to the bottom step on the stairs and hanging on to the gate Mommy and Daddy put up.
She gives kisses but is VERY stingy with them.
She has a "Yo Gabba Gabba" and "Blue Clues" video that she watches over and over in the car. She's also a fan of Jack's Big Music Show.
She is now going to the nursery at church without crying.
When she's sleepy she sticks her arm up under her neck like she's trying to cuddle with it and I think it's the cutest, sweetest thing.
Her favorite song is Train's "Hey Soul Sister". Every time we play it she dances and claps and smiles real big! It's the funniest when we'll be driving along and she'll be super sleepy and in a daze and we start to play it. Without fail she dances every time!
She is a Momma's girl and I'm trying to eat every bit of that up because I know that some day it will be Daddy's turn and it will stay that way!
She is one hot mess!
Lisa E
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