If you know me at all, you know that I am terrrrrified of bugs. Dead or alive, it doesn't matter. I get the "heebie jeebies" just as badly if I have to pick up a dead spider. When I have to kill a bug my typical reaction is jumping up and down, screeching, getting chills, or breathing heavily. If you ever need a laugh, just come watch me work in my flower beds! I know my neighbors think I'm probably crazy. When I was teaching 1st grade, I had a spider in my classroom, and I had to get one of my little boys to come kill it for me. Pathetic you're thinking? But just wait. When I was still living at my parents house, I think I was in college by then, a wasp got in the house. I actually called my mom at work and told her she HAD to come home and kill it. Luckily she only worked a couple minutes from the house. Otherwise I don't know what I would have done. She tried to give me a pep talk and get me to kill it myself but that wasn't happening. She said she'd be on her way so I went outside until she got there! Now that's pathetic! My Friday incident sort of reminded me of that.
Brylee and I had just gotten home. We were going to be leaving for the lake when Ben got home from work. I was mostly packed but just had a few last minute things to do so I went to sit Brylee in the floor to play. Before I could even get her to the ground, I heard this buzzing noise on my head. This is the same buzzing sound I hear everytime I go out to the garage. Apparently, a bee had landed on my headband somewhere between getting out of the car, getting Brylee out, and heading inside. I just wish I would have realized it before I went inside, unleashing this "beast" into my house! It was an angry bee, no lie!
So as soon as I heard the buzzing sound on my head I started doing my typical swatting, squealing, jumping, all with Brylee on hip! Yes! He disappeared! For a minute. I set Brylee down in the floor and went in the kitchen to prepare for the war I was about to have with this angry, mean bee. I grabbed a towel determined that I wasn't going to lose! I heard the loud buzzing sound and was relieved for a minute when I saw him high up in the window above our front door. I was hoping he would just make himself at home up there until Ben got home. Yeah right Lisa! He spotted me looking at him and flew right for me landing on my shirt. 2nd panic attack began, this time jumping, squealing, and slinging that dadgum towel around that wasn't doing me a bit of good. All while doing this, Brylee is just staring at her crazy momma and I guess because of my psychotic behavior she starts crying. I go to pick her up and the bee has once again disappeared. I hear that awful buzzing sound, this time spotting him in the kitchen windows. I stand there thinking about what I'm going to do. Stupid bee didn't even give me time to think before he starts flying 50 miles an hour at me and Brylee. I am not exaggerating either! ;) 3rd panic attack, this time no jumping, no squealing, no swatting. Just hightailing it out the door! Yes, a bee chased me out of my own home! Sad, I know. I lost the fight but I didn't care.
Brylee and I ended up hanging outside (just like last time) until Ben got home, which was only about 10 minutes. I actually was hoping my neighbor would have been home because I would have asked them to come over and kill it! When Ben got home, of course the stupid thing wasn't anywhere in sight. So I finished my last minute packing, feeling a little skiddish because I knew it was in the house somewhere, probably watching me, getting ready to attack! When we started getting ready to go put our stuff out in the car, Ben saw it fly right into Brylee's bag and killed it! ::sigh:: Huge relief!! We got our bags in the car and as we are heading out the door I realize I still have my weapon (the towel) over my shoulder getting ready to take it to the lake I suppose! Hey, I can never be too prepared I guess!